Jessica Briggs creates ranges of work, which owe much to her previous career as a surface print designer. Silver sheet is textured, patterned and fused with lustrous gold foil, using an ancient Korean technique called keumboo.

Jessica Briggs portrait
Jessica Briggs image

In this body of work, inspiration has been sought from a notional stroll along a beach, gathering ideas for form and surface treatments from Jessica's lifetime collection of beach finds and observations. Many pieces have the addition of an oxide, often selectively applied and partly removed, adding depth and interest through grey tones which are reminiscent of pencil drawings.

A Studio Jeweller since 1993, Jessica's work is very wearable, desirable and recognisable, with pieces widely exhibited and sitting in both public and private collections in the UK and overseas.

After an Art Foundation Course, she went on to study for a BA Hons in Printed and Woven Textile Design from Manchester Polytechnic, now MMU [1979-81] after which she worked as a designer for 11 years. Her studio is in Sheffield.