Trevor Price is an award-winning artist specialising in finely detailed drypoint and engraved relief prints, and large scale woodcuts. Woodblocks and polycarbonate sheets are carved, scratched and engraved using chisels, blades and power tools. The surfaces are then rolled with ink and printed onto paper through a large etching press.

Elected Member of The Royal Society of Painter/Printmakers (RE) 1994
Made a Fellow of The Royal Society of Painter/Printmakers (RE) 1997
Elected Vice-President of the Royal Society of Painter/Printmakers (RE) 2013
2021 Society of Wood Engravers. International Original Print Exhibition
2017 Printmaking Today, RE Annual Exhibition
2017 Clifford Chance.RE Annual Exhibition
2016 University of Wales Purchase Award. RE Annual Exhibition
2014 Wyndham. RE Annual Exhibition
2011 Printmaker of the Year. Printfest
2002 Julian Trevelyan Award. National Original Print Exhibition
1997 Printmaking Today. National Original Print Exhibition
1997 Zenith. National Original Print Exhibition
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Yinchuan Museum, China
Yale University, USA
Bank of England
National Gallery, Beijing, China
Office of Public Works, Dublin
University of Wales
Guangdong Museum of Art, China
China National Academy of Painting, 2020. One Belt One Road International Exhibition Project
At the beginning of 2021, Trevor shared with us some insight into how he works, what this last year has been like, and his life outside of art..